Wednesday, 18 August 2010

my Mother, the exemplary daughter

It took me some time to realise it, but my Mother really is an exemplary daughter. In big ways and in small ways, she has always tried to make her parents old age as comfortable as possible. In small things like making sure her parents got to see their grand-children (my sister and me) regularly, she used to display a determination I used to find hard to understand, but now I do. For their financial security, she initiated their buying land and building a house in Coimbatore - a shrewd investment which is now bearing fruit. As for looking after their health, she has always been more than willing to nurse them and when they needed any operations, she has always diligently found out the best hospitals and best Doctors to carry them out. The relationship she shares with her parents is also heart-warming - to her father (Thatha), she is and always has been his "little girl", while her relationship with her mother (Ammamma) has grown into a close friendship, both of them sharing every aspect of each other's lives.

Why did it take so long for me to realise what a good daughter she is ? Well, I think it is because she goes about her 'daughtership' very unassumingly and never draws attention to it. But without any fuss whatsoever, she consistently displays compassion, selflesslessness and maturity. I'm really thankful for a mother who has taught me, by example, how to be a child :)

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